Interested in studying abroad? Here are the first steps
Know your Options
We have many study abroad options available for students interested in pursuing an education abroad experience.
Find the Study Abroad 101 presentation here!
Let us Know
Tell us about yourself and what you are interested in. This can help us get to know you and your study abroad goals and help us advise you successfully.
Attend Study Aboard 101
Study Abroad 101 is the bi-weekly information session for the Center for Global Engagement. In a quick half-hour session, students will get the basics on the study abroad process, including research & program identification, online application process and academic goal setting
Explore the Program Directory
Investigate our program options using our online database.
Schedule an Appointment
Meet with a CGE staff member to discuss your study abroad goals, program choices and the application process. Make sure to tell us your name, year, program name and/or location of interest.
Connect with a Peer Advisor
Reach out to a peer advisor with any study abroad questions you may have! You can also reach out to learn more about how to prepare or plan for a study abroad adventure.
Begin the Application Process
Students planning to participate in any education abroad program – study abroad, international internships, service-learning, or any other program where credit will be granted – need to apply formally to TCNJ to have their credit counted toward their TCNJ degrees. Students who do not apply formally to TCNJ for study abroad will not have access to their financial aid and will not have their overseas credit counted toward their degrees.