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Study Abroad 201: Preparing for Departure

Study Abroad 201 encompasses the required pre-departure steps that all study abroad students must review and complete in advance of their study abroad program.

Registration in the Associated Overseas or INTL 350 Course
It is the responsibility of the Arlotto Family Center for Global Engagement office to enroll students all study abroad participants in either the associated overseas TCNJ course or in INTL 350 in PAWs. This course enrollment serves two purposes: to a) inform Records & Registration that the student is attending a study abroad program during the a specific semester/term and that they will be assigned a grade/credit by a TCNJ faculty member or receive a transcript from their host program/institution upon competition of the program, and b) notify Student Accounts that the student is enrolled in a study abroad program, and how they should be billed or not billed, depending on the program type. If a student has a departmental hold on their PAWS account or if they are enrolled in TCNJ on campus classes for the semester/term they are suppose to be abroad, CGE will not be able to enroll the student in INTL 350.
PreDeparture Canvas Orientation
Once the student is appropriately enrolled, CGE will send out Canvas invitations to partake in PreDeparture Orientation. This asynchronous “course” shares with TCNJ students the important information and procedures they need in order to prepare for their semester/year study abroad and an opportunity to the engage with their fellow peers studying abroad. This course completes your Study Abroad 201 course requirement, and it will provide helpful resources and information for your off-campus semester. It is a student’s responsibility to complete the Canvas modules prior to your departure/program begins. Faculty led program students will also be enrolled in the associated overseas Canvas course so they will have access to syllabi, readings, assignments and other information.
In Person/ Virtual Sessions
All of the faculty led programs will have at least one in person or virtual pre-departure meeting for all participants. Depending on the size of the cohort, semester long students may also have an in person or virtual pre-departure meeting.

For more information on these steps, please contact the CGE at
