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Health and Safety

For All TCNJ Travelers

TCNJ requires all traveling faculty, staff and students to make themselves aware of the political, health, crime and other safety-related conditions prevailing in the countries where they are planning to study, intern, volunteer or conduct research abroad.  It is your personal responsibility to research not only the country but the immediate areas you plan to visit within that country.   Depending upon what is happening in a given location, this may or may not be an ideal time for travel to that location.  In any case, there are precautions to consider while traveling for your safety and well-being.


International Travel Resources

US Department of State In addition to information about required travel documents, the U.S. Department of State provides pertinent pre-departure, health and travel advisory information.

  • Before departure, all travelers are urged to register themselves with the U.S Department of State’s Smart Travelers Enrollment Program (STEP)  This program informs the U.S. Embassy in the countries of travel and provides the traveler with updates on extreme weather, political unrest, health, and other safety issues while traveling.
  • Depending upon their passport holding status and length of intended travel, travelers may require a visa to enter the country destination.  Travisa is one source of information on visa requirements.


Center for Disease and Control (CDC) and International travel insurers such as Geo-Blue  rate the country conditions and provide advice on safe and healthy travel.

  • Before departure all travelers are urged to check whether their medical insurance offers coverage in and medical evacuation from their travel destination. If there are any doubts on coverage, it is strongly recommended to purchase insurance with Geo-Blue.


If you are thinking of traveling to a location for which the U.S. Department of State has a level 3 (reconsider travel) or level 4 (do not travel) advisory,

  • Please consider completing this Considerations for Travel Checklist and share this information with those reviewing your travel.  If you have any questions you can contact The Arlotto Family Center for Global Engagement (CGE) at or  609-771-2596.


Additional Information For TCNJ Student Groups

TCNJ student groups or recognized student organizations planning student travel abroad must follow the student travel policy which includes submitting a Student Travel Authorization Form.  For individual international travel, students must also adhere to the requirements mandated by A. Family Center for Global Engagement and the specific program for which they are participating (e.g., study abroad, exchange programs, etc.).


For TCNJ Study Abroad Students


Mental Health Considerations:

TCNJ students preparing to study abroad should take these considerations under advisement. Those individuals who are currently under the care of a mental health professional or engaged with services provided by the Office of Counseling & Prevention Services are highly encouraged to have the appropriate conversations with their providers about caring for their mental health well being as they embark on a study abroad experience. Social perceptions about mental health and access to support services may vary widely from country to country. Creating a plan, having resources and/or a support network in place are the best ways to care for yourself as you assimilate to a new location, environment or culture.

Supplemental International Health Insurance:

All students studying abroad in another country must have international health insurance. Sometimes this is included as part of the program cost and sometimes this will need to be purchased additionally through TCNJ. Students should check with their host program or university to see if insurance is included in the program cost.

TCNJ highly encourages all students who need insurance to be enrolled in the supplemental plan that TCNJ contracts with which is called GeoBlue. TCNJ A. Family Center for Global Engagement will contact you via e-mail with the enrollment information as it pertains to your program or term. The approximate cost for this insurance for AY 21-22 is $14.30/week.

At any time, please feel free to contact the TCNJ A. Family Center for Global Engagement at, 609-771-2596 for additional support
