Many students who have studied abroad can experience “reverse culture shock” since it can be difficult to re-adjust back to a home environment and keep the spirit of study abroad alive. Here are some suggestions to make this transition easier.

Study Abroad 401: Coming Home
Make the most of your study abroad experience by attending our series of short presentations designed for study abroad alumni! CGE Staff and CGE Peer Advisors will provide resources to help students adjust to campus life, maximize the study abroad experience in grad school applications and the job search, and communicate their study abroad experiences effectively in interviews and conversation.
Become a CGE Peer Advisor!
Each year dozens of TCNJ study abroad returnees share their experiences with their fellow students via panel presentations, class visits, tables in the Stud, study abroad fair visits, and one-on-one advising in the CGE office suite in Green 111. If you have an hour or two to share with us, we would welcome your presence in the CGE.
Look into Post-Graduate Fellowships
Many students who study abroad realize that they would like to pursue their academic interests abroad after graduation. TCNJ’s Competitive Post-Graduate Fellowships office offers over 100 fellowship, teaching, and research fellowship application opportunities for students who would like to begin building their career abroad.
View Post-Graduate Fellowships Website
View More Online Resources for Study Abroad Returnees!
- Lessons from Abroad – Resources Page: LOTS of websites to review, designed by an organization that organizes re-entry conferences
- Re-Entry Reading Materials: A good collection of websites, articles, and books compiled by Middlebury College
- CAPA – featuring a wonderful article by Dr. Michael Woolf, “Re-Entry or Homecoming: What Dorothy Did Next”
- CIEE– The hub of the CIEE Alumni Global Network—a powerful tool for rekindling old friendships and making new connections
- CIS– A blog post detailing a personal experience of returning home from study abroad
- Globalinks Learning Abroad– A thorough guide to making the most of your international experience after returning home
- International Studies Abroad – Reentry information and tips to reduce reverse culture shock
- SIT– A toolkit for returning students of Study Abroad